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First born Pt. 1

A mother's love is like nothing you can ever imagine feeling. When the baby is placed on your chest, and you just have this overflow of emotion flood your entire body and its instant heart full love. I had met someone who loved me unconditionally. Someone who didn't see my faults instead saw his everything , that was me, I was thankful, right there in that moment I was complete. Time stood still when I looked at my son for the first time, "Hey my son." Thank you for choosing me. We went home that night from the hospital, enjoying our son, admiring the beauty we had brought into this world, all these emotions flowing through the night. Even took our first family photo  That was the last moment in my life I was just a new mum, I was me, the person I had been for the past 18 years. 19 hours old and our whole lives were about to change. Our beautiful baby boy started having seizures. I ran him out to the living room to my mum, screaming. She told his dad to call the ambul

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